

Website and colourful identity development for a luminaire manufacturer

Work date:

The Future of Industrial Lighting

We were lucky enough to be at the birth of Leden, which is a spin-off of a large industrial company. At the startline Leden was a nameless group of specialist and enthusiasts with a bunch of products, of which some wasn’t even gotten off the paper yet. During the process, design agency Fraktal developed the name and logo of Leden and provided some usage exampless. We developed this work further, defining colors and defining some new ways to use the logo. Then we designed and developed the website, during which the design of the brand took its current colorful and startup-like, but at the same time quality feel.

Focus on the Essential

Designing the website of Leden, we took the client’s purposes and needs of the website visitor as a basis and set the focus to their wonderful products. We are proud of the menu solution, which opens a handy modal-like mega-menu, when clicked on Products, and has the Greedy or Priority+ principle built in – the menu always displays the maximum number of items possible, only hiding menu items behind the “burger” icon on smaller screens.

Leden’s website is technically based on the very common WordPress CMS, on top of which sits one of the most advanced development frameworks Roots/Sage, which itself speaks for the technical excellence of the system. We have integrated Pipedrive sales software to the lead-generating Payback Calculator as well.

Photograpy: Positive Projects
Logo and initial brand guidelines: Fraktal

leden_13_esileht_1  leden_13_miks   leden_13_tooteperekond

Client Speaks

Antenn is a pleasure to work with. They have been a tremendous help with two of our biggest projects in the last couple of years. They also know and are ready to suggest all the right people / connections in areas out of their expertise if needed. I would recommend them without hesitation.
Jane Karpin, Assistant to the Chairman of the Council, Favor Ltd